Monday, May 25, 2009

My heart is a brave and lonely soldier

My heart is a brave and lonely soldier.
It battles, exhausted, in the iron-hot sands,
And in the swamps, that grasp—
Like a lasso taking you under at the hip.
This war reaches past the devil’s deep trenches,
Rockets above God’s skies, as it drenches
The world with His unhappy bombs.
My heart, too, fights in the alley,
Among the drunk and hurt and ugly.
My little heart protects those solitary silhouettes
And the lovers, on nights, black and wet.
The couple folds one onto the other,
Like hands in quiet prayer,
Beneath a wide net
Of planes and missiles,
Disguised (brilliant) as
Sweet and watchful stars.

this one needs some tuning up. the word "rockets" may be confusing to the reader. and I always feel like an e.e. cummings imposter when I use parentheses in the place of commas. Like with "(brilliant)" i dunno. i was also sorta going for some slant rhyme, but it's sorta pointless since i don't really go through with it. just some self-critique...

1 comment:

  1. i think it's great. love the theme and the imagery, first two lines, nine & eleven i liked especially. hell of a heart ya got there =)
