Thursday, November 11, 2010

and i said it.

It was a moment that I never thought would happen to me, but I wish I could linger there forever. I heard my own distant voice say those words, along with that emotion. The words burst out of me! I couldn't hold it back,...but I swear I tried. It's been, "I love being with you," and "I love how you feel." It's been words like "beautiful" and "happy" and "thank you" and "good morning" and "good night" and "babe" and "mine," for so long. Then, for just seconds, in my bed, in the dark, we spoke a different language. A new phrase that I've learned only recently. I didn't want or expect to get it returned, I just needed him to know about this feeling. I needed him to know that my hunger dies down a little sometimes, then I think how much I love him and that starts me off again, and his face, I look over at his face and can't believe how I got here and how lucky and it's still all a surprise and it never stops, even after it's over, it never stops being a surprise. I've had a few good years, but they don't know this.

Love to all,

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