Well, being a person who graduated from Ole Miss, I couldn't not leave without having heard, read, researched, loved the works of the late, great Barry Hannah. I've only this week begun his book of short stories "High Lonesome" and its great. I wish I could write with such detailed, yet simplistic honesty. Here are some examples. And I'm mostly composing this blog for myself, so I can remember and use these words and expressions in my day-to-day life.
"He might have been something caught in the forest and detained for study, like a white deer missing its ilk, because he was sad and in love and greatly confused."
"Pal was a gangling youth of superfluous IQ already experiencing vile depressions. His brain made him feel constantly wicked but he relieved himself through botany and manic dilettantism."
"For the others, the wine went down like a ruined orchard, acid to the heart, where a ball of furred heat made them reminiscent of serious acts never acted, women never had."
"She had a clean face and new shoes."
"I wanted to explain to him how important friendship was in this cold universe."
"What I admire is anguish, casual faith, clothes, poise, and minor disaster, or the promise of it. I like the most lifted a little. The pride of exemption, yet terror in solitude. This is a busy concept."
"I am slow. I am windy. I have so little vision, engaged in this discourtesy length and interminable excuse, but seeing bits of light here and there ahead."
"There's never really time to develop one's ambitions. They just throw you out there and you grab on to something handy like an amateur, in terror.
"Whosoever you are, be that person with all your might. Time goes by faster than we thought. It is a thief so quiet. You must let yourself be loved and you must love, part of you that never loved must be opened and love. You must announce yourself in all particulars so you have yourself."
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