Wednesday, November 16, 2011

so much love on our little blogosphere today. too bad i have to chime in with a message of hate, distrust, and, above all, theft....of my nearest and dearest....clothes. from my own blood, no less. my little whittle baby sister.

i'm currently researching "closet locks." realizing that i came to this conclusion too late. she has already stolen my new grove dress, taken it to air for its first time like a newborn baby. well, she has taken her last cookie from my closet, so beautifully organized and molded to my specificities like pygmalion sculpting the statue that he'd eventually fall in love with. No more, I say. Julia shall rue the day she ever looked into my palace of style. she shall face my fiery wrath when mom brings her home from school.

number 1: why is she wearing my dressy dress that i bought for no less than $56 dollars (not included tax!) to fuhreaking school. it's not meant for that! it has a sheer back for god's sake...

number 2: FINALLY. i'm at a point in my life when i can afford the good things in life. my invitation to "the finer things club" has been received and i've RSVPed. now, i have a 15 year old sneaking into my holy grail of a wardrobe to steal my SHIT! Nope. No more.

number 3: it is thankless. because she takes without asking, i never even get a thank you. and that sucks. my entire life i've heard that being a parent is a "thankless job." and i definitely see that now.

1 comment:

  1. dude...i feel ya. hannah steals my shit all the time. when i moved back in for that little while, she stole so much stuff. now every time i see her, she is wearing something of mine!
